Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Riot: An Election

“Oh no, this looks like a dissident, political student movement. It could turn into a riot!”

Roman, a tall, dark-haired, political science major, stood in the arched entrance way of the huge, concrete building, in the political science arena of the university campus. He listened to the students arguing about the recent election announcement.

Tension grew rapidly, as the growing group of students became even more vociferous.  

“We don’t want an election!"

“Is there some way we can stop this election?”

“God help us all!” 

Roman realized this was becoming increasingly aggressive in nature.  

“This election announcement should not have happened!”

“The politicians in this country might need another election, but do we, the people?”

“Will an election change anything?”

The crowd of stunned young men and women was not about to be pacified. Many appeared upset and pale, as if in a state of shock. Almost everyone seemed to be in panic mode.

Roman knew an election might mean major, long-term, financial implications for university students and their families. One wrong word could trigger a student riot.

“With all of the current, tragic events taking place in the world, what are our politicians thinking by calling an election?”

“A coalition government is not an option!”

Roman knew there had been recent controversy about numerous government issues. There appeared to be no resolution, as the new budget proposal had met with immediate rejection.  

“Would it not be better overall time and energy management, to help other countries?”

“We have to set a good example for others!”

A political science student, a young girl who he barely knew, suddenly stood on the podium in the center of the arena. She picked up the microphone and began to speak above the noise of the crowd.   

“Fellow students,” she stated emphatically. “Settle down! This is a democracy. We settle our political difference s in a peaceful manner, unlike some other countries. Currently, government upheaval is running rampant, all around the world. There have been many recent natural disasters, too. Is this discord, unrest and political chaos, an indirect result of the super moon, too?”   

She had their attention.

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