Monday, September 19, 2011


Here are just a few thoughts on wrinkles.

Have you ever looked at your wrinkles, or those of others and wondered how they got there? What caused them to appear? You may also wonder if they will ever go away.

At times, we think about our wrinkles and may try to do something about them. Sometimes, we succeed, but not always as they may return, even though we erase them temporarily with face creams and face lifts.

Are wrinkles merely a human phenomenon or a natural phenomenon, as well?

Looking at young trees, there are no visible wrinkles while on older trees, we see what could be called wrinkles in the bark.

Do animals, birds and mammals get wrinkles, too? Some dogs certainly look like they have wrinkles. So do other animals.

Driving through the Rocky Mountains of B.C., in June, 2010, I could not help but marvel at the number of mountain ranges I drove through, one after another. In many ways, they reminded me of wrinkles, but this time, huge wrinkles on the face of the earth.

What causes the various mountain ranges to form? What is the mysterious force that makes the mountain ranges pile up beside each other?

Obviously, God has His hand in ongoing creation as He continually builds the earth.

When I think about earthquakes, one on the east coast and another on the west coast of North America this summer, I wonder if somehow, the force behind those earthquakes is creating new wrinkles on the face of the earth, as well.

Are there new mountain ranges gradually being formed, perhaps some that we are not aware of?
Maybe there are more and more wrinkles being created on the face of the earth, all of the time.

Perhaps this is a part of a larger, weather-related phenomenon too, like hurricanes and tornadoes. Unbeknownst to mankind, the winds pile up dust particles and sand in rows, like mini-mountain ranges.

Look at the water and waves creating wrinkles in the sand, along the ocean shoreline.

There are wrinkles created in the fields as the winds blow across the prairies. Even the sky looks wrinkled, at times. There are more and more wrinkles, everywhere we look.

We sense the quaking and fear that accompanies any turmoil on the face of the earth, or in the sky. Perhaps that fear in turn, creates more mountainous wrinkles on our faces, too.

Maybe wrinkles are a natural and a circular phenomenon.

We are one with our world, wrinkles and all, are we not?

Don't fret about your wrinkles. Enjoy them, knowing that they are truly unique and yours alone.

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