Are you battening down the hatches for autumn, yet?
Here, it seems like it is time to do just that.
The leaves on the trees are falling thick and fast, leaving the branches partly bare. It is quite cool at 50 degrees Celsius, at suppertime. There is frost in the forecast for tonight, so that means bring in the plants that are still outside.
Sometimes, it is a good idea to think transition and welcome it, especially when you cannot do anything about it. Why resist it? Just go with the flow.
Cool autumn air does have a few advantages, like being cool enough to put a roast in the oven. Delicious dinner, to say the least. That is just one of the reasons I enjoy cooler weather.
It also gives a certain amount of energy to do things that one would normally hesitate to do in the hot weather.
Yes, there is always the extra blanket that one might need in the middle of the night. Maybe the heat will even have to be turned on for a bit, but then it is September 14th and for this part of the country, that is normal.
Maybe the south will send us an Indian summer yet. Regardless, I will think transition to autumn and enjoy it thoroughly. You can do the same, if you choose to do so.
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