Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thoughts for Today

It is almost impossible to count the total thought number of thoughts that we have in a single day, but we think all of the time.

For example, here are some thoughts for today.

The Labor Day weekend is upon us. One might speculate and think about what a wonderful weekend this could be, should be and probably will be. The weather is gorgeous and the sun is shining too, making it even better.

But for everyone, that may not be the case, as there is growing fear and trepidation related to more dramatic weather, another hurricane called Katia, now heading for the east coast of the US and possibly Canada, too. Life can change very quickly for many people, in the face of a hurricane.

One might speculate as to what creates more of a disaster, a natural force like a pending hurricane, or man-made disasters in war-torn countries like Syria. Then of course, there is the ongoing famine in Somalia, that one cannot simply ignore.

Following the theme of the previous Helium debate, one might speculate further as to the relationship between smoking, driving and accidents. One can only say research may be needed in this area. Of course, smokers will argue that there is little, if any relationship. Non-smokers may not be quite so lenient in their stand, particularly if they have lost family members or other loved ones to smokers. Nicotine addiction leads to substance abuse, sometimes with tragic consequences.

The tenth anniversary of the 911 disaster in the US will be celebrated shortly. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the families whose lives have been so adversely affected.

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