Friday, September 23, 2011

Thoughts to Ponder

Today is September 23, 2011.

4:05 am this morning marked the fall equinox, evidenced in the reality of the equal length of days and nights. From here on in, the days will get shorter and the nights will be longer.

Are you and yours getting ready to 'batten down the hatches'?

Bears know enough to hibernate and maybe we should, too. Perhaps some of us do just that, but in different ways.

We instinctively know enough to find shelter from the pending cold and love it when the mosquitoes and black flies disappear. We appreciate and enjoy the beauty of autumn.

What else is unique about today?

How do you feel about having twenty-six pieces of a satellite returning to earth from outer space, unguided and on their own? It probably shocks you, but does it frighten you?

"There ought to be a law."

It appears that the individual pieces are being tracked and barring any unforeseen circumstances, they will miss Canada, so Canadians can rest assured knowing that they do not have to worry about them, at least not these ones.

Hopefully, the pieces of the satellite will head for the Pacific Ocean, as predicted and no one will be harmed.

In reality, this may just be the beginning of old 'space junk' that gradually returns to the earth.

Wonder what those bits and pieces will be worth, if they can be found?

This reminds me of the old "Chicken Little" children's story, where "the sky is falling in".

Shall we be compelled to live in fear? No, we don't normally tend to live in fear and trepidation.

We have the remarkable ability to think things through.

We ponder many different kinds of thoughts simultaneously and relate them to one another. Most of us are aware of current events and have other thoughts that extend back in time.

Our ability to think is such that we can sort through all of these kinds of thoughts and place them in an appropriate time frame, because we think chronologically.

That is also one of our mental faculties that needs to be protected by living a healthy life style.

Just more thoughts to ponder.

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