At times, time is something that we think we have to 'find'. Perhaps we feel that we don't have enough time for what we need to accomplish.
Does time get ever lost? No.
Does time ever go missing? No.
Has time been hidden away somewhere? No, to that too.
Are you looking for time to do something important and you just can't seem to find it? Ever wonder where your time went, as it suddenly seemed to disappear? Maybe, you thought you had enough time for something, but you really didn't?
Having too much time on your hands can be difficult, especially when you don't know what to do with it. You can always sit and wring your hands, but that would be a waste of time. Knitting would be more fruitful.
Our thought processes generally seem to relegate time to its appropriate place in our lives, although there can be times, when we find that the time taken for one thing, would seemingly have been better relegated to something else.
We don't usually consign every moment of time we have to something specific, unless it is for important things like work, classes, doctor's office visits, or hair appointments, etc.
We often designate certain blocks of time for ourselves.
Children learn how to be on time for school, baseball practices and bedtime. Adults understand they have to be at work on time. They both learn to get assignments done on time. Everyone knows when it is time to head home for supper.
Everyone has an equal number of minutes, hours and seconds, allotted in his or her day.
It is our time. What we choose to do with the allotted time we have been given, as a gift from God, depends upon us to some extent.
Most of us have things we need, want or have to do for others, too. We know they will take a certain amount of time, but we don't necessarily know how much time they will require and don't really fret about it either.
"I have all the time in the world," someone who is retired might say.
Taking time for others is usually a good thing as no one seeks, or wants to live in total isolation. We need to have others in our lives, at least part of the time, although enjoying our own time, uninhibited by interruptions from others, can be refreshing, too.
Finding time for God is something that we may not think too much about, but then knowing that God is always there, whether we make time for Him or not, gives us some sense of security. Our time on earth is secure, in His hands.
We can also choose to walk away from Him because we don't feel that we have time for Him, but if He is taking His time to watch over us, is it not better that we spend time with Him, too?
We have everything to gain and nothing to lose, by allowing time for God in our lives. Love gives us a reason to find time for God and others, even if it is only a minute here and there, in our busy days.
Short of time?
Try creating a time plan, or time map for yourself and your family. Place things in a time frame, if you are having difficulty finding time.
You will be amazed at how much extra time you find. Time did not get lost after all.
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