Miraculously, we get out of bed every morning, with an 'open door' to new thoughts.
Nothing is 'set in stone' or 'fixed' in our minds, in such a way that we have to think specific thoughts, at any particular time of a new day.
Is that not a good thing?
Whatever we choose to think is entirely up to us. This is not stating that people, specific events or a multiplicity of other things, will not influence how we think, feel and react that day.
Imagine a man trying to create a mind with total freedom of thought like that.
It would appear to be an impossibility for man and yet Matthew 19:26 tells us "...with God, all things are possible."
We open doorways to new thoughts in many different ways, often allowing our thoughts to go whatever direction they choose. We can also close our minds to certain thoughts or thought processes, if we prefer to do so. Sometimes, we do that, even unknowingly.
We can also choose to worship our minds, the power of our minds and our own thought processes, or our Creator. Opening our minds to the potential of thought processes that function in the realm of possibility, gives us more and more potential open doors, every day.
Being locked into the realm of impossibility is no fun. Closing our minds, closes doors and brings an end to possibility beyond that which is only human.
Found an new, open door of thought?
We can choose whether or not we want to enter that new, open door of thought. There is lots of room for exploration, if we just have the courage to step inside.
Life is an open door.
Explore it fully and enjoy it.
Considering I've been thinking all day...haha:) Mulling things (and ideas) over, as it were. Tell you the truth, I think I may need to find the off switch, as I may be nearing over-load. Lots of neat stuff to think about though, isn't there? Without thoughts, there is no need to act, and without action...well, why don't we just think about that thought for a moment, okay? Wishing you only good things, Diane!