Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love and Hate Pathways

If our thoughts were truly positive in their orientation, meaning that we always thought in terms of love or in a positive light, there would be no room for hate in our thought processes.

Somehow, that is not so.

When we begin to look at how we feel, we soon find out that we have a whole gamut of emotions, ranging from positive to negative. We have the ability to love or to hate in response to our thought processes. Our emotions are closely linked to our thinking.

We are blessed in being able to choose how we emote or express our motions. We are able to express various levels of emotion in response to how we think. Our emotional expression can also be controlled, at least to a certain extent.

Our minds are like a magnificent map, as the pathways of our thoughts and emotions work in conjunction with one another.

Just for fun, note your own thoughts in relation to your love or hate relationships. You are the one in control of them both and you can think in a positive way, express love as an emotion, instead of hate and perhaps save yourself and others a lot of grief.

Try it.

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