Monday, October 10, 2011

On Giving Thanks

The other day, I purchased a mini-rose bush, only to find out later that it already appears to have 'almost' gone into dormancy, which is not totally unexpected in north-western Ontario, at this time of the year.

One blossom is a pale, pink color with a yellow center and it is already very 'dry'. Another two blossoms are bright red and have almost 'dried on the stem'. The fourth blossom is bright red, almost perfect and wide open. There are also several new buds on the bush, so they still may open up.

That single bright red rose and the new rose buds are the reason that I purchased the plant, (as well as to have a mini-rose bush in my otherwise empty, white ceramic flower pot painted with similar roses, for the Thanksgiving weekend).

Water and fertilizer should be the secret to regeneration. Sunlight may help too, but will the plant come back out of its dormancy stage before its time? Maybe classical music will awaken it.

This reminds me of the thoughts in our minds.

At times, we think that our thoughts are alive and well, only to find that they may have gone into a dormancy stage, too. (Probably not all of them, as we are still up and about and doing our own thing, individually and collectively.)

Regardless, I have a plan for those roses.

I will let them dry some more, before cutting them and then create a new, dried flower arrangement that can be placed on my 'love knot'. The 'love knot' was a gift given to me by one of my nieces, a number of years ago.

At this time, it is currently in transition, as the original flowers and leaves have gradually fallen off. At the moment, it only has a new, pale green bow.

On giving thanks, it must be said that we can never give enough thanks for all of the blessings in our lives, including roses and dried roses.

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