Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Spider Web: Fatal Entanglement

“Life is a series of silk-like threads, strung together like a spider web,” said Angelina, an avid writer.   

“Am I the spider or the fly?” asked Nicholas, smiling at her..

“That is deep!” replied Angelina. 

“It depends upon whether I set the trap, or fall into it, right?”

“Or if you are a computer geek.”

Angelina and Nicholas laughed. They were nineteen and developing what appeared to be a good relationship, as they made their way across a deserted piece of property located at the end of a gravel road.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon an old, deserted cabin. The heavy dark-green moss on the walls and roof, caused the cabin to blend into its own natural environment. The cabin, tumbling over and sinking deep into the moist peat moss, had something mysteriously inviting about it. Perhaps it was the pink, wild-rose bushes, brambles and tall oak trees, in the swamp-like stetting. 

It was the perfect place-in-waiting for a literary artist’s dream to come true, a wonderful word picture to paint. Maybe it was destined to be a tender trap. Obviously, no one had entered this cabin, for a very long time.

Across the doorway hung a beautiful, undisturbed spider web, glistening with dewdrops and radiating early morning light. Hundreds of dead and dried insects hung in among the horizontal and vertical threads.

“There she is!” Angelina had spotted the huge spider waiting for her next victim of prey, the one destined to be her breakfast. From the spider’s size, Angelina suspected its appetite was insatiable and that soon, the unsuspecting guest would meet fatal entanglement in her huge web. 

It was time to eat and this spider was hungry. This was obviously not a cobweb and so appeared likely that at times, this spider would recycle some of her own proteinaceous, silk-like threads to sustain her energy.

“Do we dare trespass?” asked Nicholas.

“You might disturb her eggs,” replied Angelina. “Watch out for sticky threads!”

“Are there non-sticky threads too?”

“Of course, the non-sticky threads are the natural pathway of the spider. Did you ever see a spider caught in her own web?”

Several hours later, Angelina walked out of there, alone.

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